Giro 2012

Wouter won de derde rit van de Giro 2010 in Middelburg. Vorig jaar verongelukte hij in de derde rit. De organisatie van de Giro heeft beslist om de derde rit vanaf de WW Special rit te noemen. Wij waren aanwezig bij de start van die derde rit in Horsens (Denemarken). Ik las er, in naam van ons allemaal, onderstaande tekst voor:

First of all we would like to thank the organization of the Giro for having us invited here to attend to the third stage. It really means a lot for us that this stage is now called after my brother.

We also want to thank the fans for their support last year. It was amazing to see how many people were compassionate with us. The number 108 has turned into a very special number for us too.

Last but not least we want to thank the riders for making cycling, despite of everything, such a beautiful sport. Thank you for remembering Wouter by giving us today, in this third stage, an exciting race.

In Denmark there's a beer that advertises as "probably the best beer in the world". May the winner of today's stage have "probably the best smile in the world", just like my brother did on the Middelburg podium.

Good luck to you all.


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