On behalf of the riders at the Giro

Deze tekst werd ons doorgestuurd door David Millar, rozetruidrager in de Giro. Ik publiceer hem hier met zijn goedvinden.

Wouter may be gone but he remains present throughout each and every stage, he has become the most supported rider at the Giro.

Each one of us will see his name, or his dossard '108', countless times throughout each stage. A banner across the road, a group of school children, a lonely farmer, all so different but each remembering Wouter.

His presence within the peloton has grown bigger daily. His memory has touched each of us and affected us all in different ways, although there is one thing that we all share, it is his loss.

The peloton is no longer the same. It is missing one of its own. Yet his memory has made us closer than ever before, not many people could do that. We'll see you at the next race Wouter, rest in peace.


Anoniem zei…
Beste Elke,

Ik betrap mij erop dat ik af en toe Wouter zijn naam op google intik. Gewoon even zien...En dan het onwezenlijke. Toen ik het nieuws hoorde, dacht ik onmiddellijk(klinkt absurd): hopelijk maakt mijn moeder ballekes in de tomatensaus voor Wouter.

Ik wens je ongelooflijk veel sterkte. Veel liefs,

An Van Gijsegem (de zus van Tom) - kennis atletiek Ajax.
Elke zei…
Dag An

Heel lief berichtje, dankjewel daarvoor.

Veel liefs


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